A Door of Hope - Frank, January
Allies in Healing - Davis, Laura
Children of Trauma - Middleton-Moz, Jane
Emotional Abuse - Blue, Ken
Feeling Good Again (for parents and therapists of sexually abused children) - Wasserman, Burt
Healing Spiritual Abuse - Blue, Ken
Healing the Shame that Binds You - Bradshaw, John
Rediscovering your Discarded Self - Walker, Lenore
The Battered Woman - Walker, Lenore
Secret Survivors - Blume, Susan
The Courage to Heal (1 book and 1 workbook) - Davis, Laura & Bass, Ellen
Treating Abused Adolescents - Gil, Eliana
Understanding Family Violence - Vernon, Wiehe
Victim No Longer - Lew, Michael
Addiction and Recovery
A Hunger for Healing - Miller, Keith
Addiction and Grace - May, Gerald
Adult Children of Alcoholics - Woititz, Janet
Behavioral Addictions - Clinebell, H.j.
Contrary to Love: Helping the Sexual Addict - Carnes, Patrick
Coyote Speaks - Rutzky, Jacques
Discussing Pornography Problems with a Spouse - Reid, Rory C. & Gray, Dan
Don't Call It Love - Carnes, Patrick
Facing Co-Dependence - Mellody, Pia
Facing Love Addiction - Mellody, Pia
Faithful and True - Lasser, Mark
False Intimacy - Schaumburg, H.W.
It Will Never Happen to Me - Black, Claudia
Love Hunger - Minirth, Frank
One Day at a Time in Al-Anon - Anonymous
Out of the Shadows - Carnes, Patrick
Released from Shame - Wilson, Sandra
Rooted in God's Love - Ryan, Dale & Juanita
Sex, Lies and Forgiveness - Schneider, Jennifer & Burt
Sexual Anorexia - Carnes, Patrick
The 12 Steps for Everyone - Hazelden
Why Weight? A Guide to Compulsive Eating - Roth, Geneen